Our Mission

The Bradford Bridge is a 501(c)(3) organization, established in 1991. Our mission includes the following goals:
•• Encourage open communication of information from town government to residents.
•• Do all within our power to support a well informed citizenry.
•• Foster greater resident participation in government affairs, town and school activities and volunteer projects.
•• Foster awareness of our community’s physical attributes and encourage citizen involvement in its preservation and improvement.


The Bradford Bridge, published monthly, is a free community newspaper supported by advertisers and written for neighbors by neighbors. Anyone is welcome to submit articles and/or photographs of interest to the community. Please send submissions by email to bradfordbridge345@gmail.com.

The deadline is the 20th OF THE MONTH previous to publication. The Bridge reserves the right to edit submissions for length and content.


The Bradford Bridge welcomes letters to the editor. Word limit is 250 and all letters are subject to editing for style, grammar and taste. Please include your name and day-time telephone number (anonymous letters will not be printed). Space limitations do not allow for back & forth letters from the same writers. Digital documents are preferred and should be sent to:
bradfordbridge345@gmail.com. Or, send a letter to The Bradford Bridge, PO Box 463, Bradford, NH 03221

Free Listings

Area Events – if your organization would like to publicize an event, we will list your information in the Area Events section.
Classified Ads – are free to individuals offering personal items for sale that are under $250. Text only. Businesses are not eligible.


For those wishing to receive The Bradford Bridge by mail, the annual subscription price is $33 to cover the cost of mailing. To subscribe, please send a check to: The Bradford Bridge, P.O. Box 463, Bradford, NH 03221.

The color version of The Bradford Bridge is available online HERE.